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Yvan Guy Larocque, Lawyer and Advisor

Yvan works with entrepreneurs and businesses in various sectors and at various stages of development. He advises, and negotiates on behalf of, Indigenous-owned businesses and governments in the development of meaningful business ventures. Yvan often advises on corporate structuring and reorganizations, as well as governance and policy development, for Indigenous governments and Indigenous Economic Development groups. He also advises on commercial matters in various industries, including in relation to equity & debt financing, taxation, natural resource development, land & real estate development, mergers & acquisitions, and general business and economic development.

Yvan was born and raised in Sainte-Anne, Manitoba and is a proud citizen of the Manitoba Métis Federation. Prior to becoming a lawyer, Yvan served in the Canadian Armed Forces in both the Royal Canadian Navy and Royal Canadian Air Force. Prior to establishing Larocque Business Law, Yvan worked as a lawyer at one of Canada’s top 10 boutique business law firms. He is also a Senior Clinical Instructor at the University of Manitoba Faculty of Law, where he is a Supervising Lawyer in the L. Kerry Vickar Business Law Clinic and the Manitoba Legal Clinic for the Arts. He also teaches in the Juris Doctor program, including courses on Legal Negotiations, Corporate Law, Commercial Law, and Contracts.